Two Hobbies into One: Orchids

Twins...almost! :D

Twins...almost! :D

You might ask if I was the one that plants and babies these orchids. Orchid growing is totally out of my league and patience and here's where my mom shines. It's her hobby to wait almost 1 year for one little baby bud to stick out. That's what excites her. The hard work to get one little bud to grow and sprout out to a stunning orchid. For her to keep these memories she asks me to take photographs of her flowers. Here are the results! A perfect way to combine two hobbies into one on going and never ending project! Thank you mom!

I will keep updating more orchid shots, so click on the image above or here to see more shots!

Thank you!

Andre Ng Photo

Helping out Family number 2!?: Robin and Judy

Robin and Judy showing off their cheerfulness! 

Robin and Judy showing off their cheerfulness! 

 A full year has past from Eric and Chelsea's wedding and now Eric's Older brother Robin is tying the knots! Congratulations! :). Again, I wasn't the main photographer asked to take pictures, but it gave me lots of room to be more creative! I'm so happy for Robin for finding the love of his life. On top of being a side photographer, being his younger cousin is that much more special. I look up to his knowledge and experience on life and with Judy on his side nothing can stop those two! It's all above and beyond from here! Way to go you two! It was such a special wedding to attend and of course take photos for!


Andre Ng Photo

My First Professional Shoot: Jenna's Debut

One of the few beautiful dances Jenna performed for everyone!

One of the few beautiful dances Jenna performed for everyone!

By interests, I love getting culturally involved with other cultures and traditions. What better way to experience a Filipino Debut. The wonderful Jenna gave me the opportunity to shoot her debut! I had an amazing time. Her friends and family were very welcoming and the traditional dance performances were stellar! It was an experience to remember! Thank you Jenna! You looked amazing that day!

Check out other photos by clicking the one above!

Andre Ng Photo

Helping out family: Eric and Chelsea

Eric and Chelsea enjoying their special day to the fullest :)

Eric and Chelsea enjoying their special day to the fullest :)

There are hobbies and things I love to do, but above all, family and friends triumph all those things. Home is where the heart is! Family and friends are so important to me and what better way but to help shoot my cousins beautiful wedding! I definitely wasn't the main photographer there but it was a time to put my photography skills to the test. Eric and Chelsea were absolutely stunning that day and in my opinion are really meant for each other. They share similar laughs, humor, and their personalities aren't too far off from one another! Seems like yesterday as a kid that Eric was still playing in my basement! Congratulations! More happy moments to come!


Andre Ng Photo